Felling Trailers Partners with SmartEquip
Felling Trailers, Inc. has recently partnered with The SmartEquip Network to better serve their dealers and fleet owners’ parts and service needs. The new partnership will provide Felling the ability to connect their dealers and fleet owners with real-time access to parts and service information and assist in growth and profitability. Felling foresees using the Network to decrease their customers’ cost of owning and operating their transport equipment, while improving the quality of dealer and end user support, at reduced costs. Initially, Felling will be offering more of the common replacement parts for their smaller drop deck, drop deck tilt, and hydraulic dump trailers, that their rental customers currently have in service. As they continue forward with SmartEquip, Felling plans to expand their parts offerings for the common replacement parts on their larger model trailer lines.
“SmartEquip is very pleased to have Felling Trailers as a partner on our Network. We look forward to helping them grow their business with the fleets that utilize our support Network to drive ship and procurement efficiency.” Ron Piccolo, Executive Vice President, Sales and Marketing.
About SmartEquip

SmartEquip is the leading global standard for online parts support. The SmartEquip network connects fleet owners to manufacturers and their dealers with real-time access to critical parts and service information. It helps fleet owners generate more profit from their equipment by automating and accelerating the service workflow, increasing asset availability and revenue. The network streamlines the service process, eliminates order errors, improves technician wrench time and greatly reduces equipment downtime. SmartEquip currently supports more than 250 OEM brands, with over 40,000 users across more than 4,000 locations across North America and Europe. SmartEquip recently surpassed $1.4 billion in transactions and is staffed by veterans of the construction and software industry. SmartEquip drives the fleet performance that grows profitability. SmartEquip. “Be Ready”.
Do you have questions about our The SmartEquip Network and Felling Trailers? Please fill out this simple form or call us at 888-335-5464. We look forward to hearing from you!
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