Felling.com & store.felling.com are moving forward
Changes have been in the works as we have been moving forward to ensure that you have the best user experience possible. Have you noticed a change to our website (www.felling.com) and our Parts Store (store.felling.com)? If not, take a gander at one or both using a few different devices, like your desktop computer, smartphone, or tablet. Do you see the change??

Yes, we are now 100% Mobile Responsive! No more having to resize your view, zooming in zooming out, now our sites will automatically adjust to the device you choose to view us on, giving you the Optimal Viewing Experience.
While you are checking out the flow of the site, don’t forget to check out our job postings and share with someone you think would be interested. We’ve got a lot to offer and would love to have more people on our team.
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