ICUEE was where the FT-3 Mini was unveiled for the first time to Felling’s Dealers and potential customers. This trailer model was initially designed to transport small Vibratory Plows, similar to that of a DitchWitch VP30 or a Vermeer SPX25. This model has a small footprint just like the equipment it was designed for, which makes for easy and safe maneuvering when needed in congested and tight job sites. The “mini” features multiple load securement points with 1/2” d-rings mounted at the front and rear of the trailer. Plus with a 40″ x 42” mesh ramp and operator can safely load equipment with ease. Learn more about the FT-3 Mini-Series
FT-45-2 LP “Low Profile” Drill Series with optional Air Ramps
The FT-45-2 LP is an ideal fit to transport drills with Tare Weights ranging from 14,000 to 38,000 pounds (without water tank). The FT-45-2 LP Drill Series is standard with a 6’ double incline/double break (reduces top break over point in half) self-cleaning 5” x 3” angle iron beavertail. This model was also equipped with optional Air Ramps, 7’ x 38” angle iron ramps. This feature eliminates the lifting process that is typical with flip-over ramps. Safety is always a factor throughout the work day and the Air Ramp option prevents the risk of back injury. Additional standard features of this model are the 140,000 lb. twin speed jacks and a lockable toolbox for drilling tools. Click here to view Air Ramps video.
FT-24 I-S Drill Trailer Series
The FT-24 I-S Drill Series is designed to transport drills with Tare Weights ranging from 9,000 to 14,000 lbs. with 500-gallon water tank (5,000 lbs.) (with adequate tongue weight) The unit at ICUEE was equipped an optional Drill Kit that elevates the tank above the fender, plus additional drill rod storage (up to allowable weight limits). The large lockable toolbox option was also featured on this model that allows ample room for reamers drilling tools. Equipped with standard features that allow you to load with confidence and safety. Felling’s drop-deck drill models, provide an ideal incline with a gradual slope eliminating the need for dunnage, with a 4’ dovetail combined with the 6’ x 16” spring assist ramps. Learn more about the FT-24 I-S
FT-10 -1 PT Utility Pole Trailer Series
The first trailer model of a soon to come revamped pole trailer lineup is fresh out of the testing phase and ready to enter into full production. A fully engineered and documented trailer you can be assured many years of trouble-free service. This model has a retracted length of 24′ and can extend to 40′ with one adjustment point midway. There are several payload capacities available. It can be manufactured with a single or tandem axle configuration, both with dual wheels. 10,000, 12,000, 15,000 or 20,000 lb axles are available and all can be equipped with airbrakes if needed. Learn more about the FT-10-1 PT Utility Pole Series
FT-8 R Utility Cable Reel Trailer Series
Felling’s Utility Cable Reel trailers are built to your specification with safety minded features. The FT-8 R has a reel capacity for a 120” x 60” reel allowing for a reel diameter at the lowest position of a 20” reel. All Felling Cable Reel trailers are standard with an electric/hydraulic power up and down pump with a 12 V battery in a lockable enclosure. Learn more about the FT-8 Cable Reel Series
FT-14 IT-I Galvanized “Custom” Trailer Series
This Construction and Utility Trailer is an example of how Felling works with Fleets to create a customized fleet solution. The FT-14 IT-I was designed and engineered to incorporate operator safety, capacity, tongue weight, and more. This model featured a 4’ stationary deck with a 16’ tilt deck with safety side steps and handles. Other selected options featured on this trailer were wheel chocks with slide-on storage. A hitch length of 6.5’, 30” fixed tube extension with A-frame tongue configuration that allows for turning clearance for rear steps or for a recessed mounted pintle on the rear of a utility truck. Learn more about the IT-T Cable Reel Series
Are you interested in learning more about any of these Construction and Utility Trailers? We would love to answer your questions about these trailers or other Felling models. Please give you a call at 800-245-2809 or fill out this simple form.
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